Happy Days: Feeling Good

Welcome to Happy Days!  Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy. 

Goodness me, I am one tired bunny this weekend! On Thursday night J decided to wake up at midnight and wouldn't go back to sleep until 4am... arrrgh! Our days are so full on especially Fridays so I am just exhausted. Anyway... 

Here's what has made me happy this week

• Catching up with friends and their kiddies. A lot of Little N's friends are in reception which he is only in nursery school, so it's hard for us all to get together but it's always lovely when we do.

• Positive feedback. Several PRs that I work with have sent really lovely emails to say thanks for work that I have done, particularly complimenting my photography which makes me really happy!

• Little N being utterly adorable, by stroking my bump and saying "Mummy, I like this baby that's in your tummy." Altogether now: aawww!

• Getting my appetite back. I've actually managed to cook three times this week! If you've read my 12 week pregnancy diary entry you'll know that I've been struggling to eat so it's nice to be starting to get back to normal. I'm actually 15 weeks now, the pregnancy diary posts are just a bit behind! Keep your eyes peeled for the next one going live very soon though.

• Little N got stickers twice at school this week for being a good helper, and he also got a headteacher's award although he doesn't know what for!

• Christmas. There, I said it! I'm starting to think about Christmas now, what we're going to eat and what gifts to get people. Christmas event invitations are arriving too so it's hard not to think about it!

What are you up to this weekend?

Quite Frankly She Said

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