Pregnancy Diary: First Trimester - 12 Weeks

23rd September 2016

I am 12 weeks pregnant and my little Pip is the size of an apricot. Although that is still so tiny, it's incredible to think that just a few weeks ago, he was the size of a poppy seed. That's a lot of growing that has been done! I've always felt a bit strange about keeping pregnancy diaries before I get to twelve weeks, so that is why my diary for this pregnancy begins now.


Baby Development

All of Pip's major body parts have developed already, just in teeny tiny proportions! Pip is starting to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid, and his reflexes are developing as his brain grows and gets more complex. He has more control over his movements, so apparently if I prod my belly he can move in response. By the way, I don't know what gender Pip is, but writing is much easier if I assume he is a he for now, instead of having to write he/she until we actually know!

Body Changes

I currently weight 111.8lb which is almost 8st exactly. I haven't gained any weight, I've actually lost a few pounds as I'm feeling so nauseous all the time. I am planning to be more sensible with my diet through this pregnancy, as our wedding is booked for three months after this baby is born. I gained quite a bit of weight when pregnant with J!

That said, my tummy has really popped out already! I'm sure I look the same as I did when I was a good seventeen weeks pregnant with the boys. My tummy muscles have obviously gone to pot this time!

Pregnancy Symptoms

I've been having quite a few dizzy spells which can be caused by hCG, the same hormone responsible for morning sickness. In fact, it was a dizzy spell that made me do a pregnancy test, after I nearly passed out in a spa! The morning sickness kicked in at about six weeks, I've been physically sick a few times but mostly it is just constant nausea and major food aversions. I'm surviving on apples at the moment!

Antenatal Appointments

I have had a couple of appointments so far. I had my initial appointment with the GP when I found out I was pregnant. It was very brief; she checked my blood pressure, asked a couple of questions about my health and my previous pregnancies and then I was on my way!

I then had my booking appointment with the midwives at the maternity unit at the hospital at nine weeks. This appointment was a lot more in depth; I was weighed, had bloods taken, went through details of my previous pregnancies and births, and booked my dating scan. The midwife at the booking appointment suggested I think about having a home birth, despite this being my second VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) as I gave birth to J very quickly. Something to think about and discuss with my community midwife when I see her at sixteen weeks!

It was a bit surreal waiting for the booking appointment, because as soon as I walked into the reception area I noticed a familiar name on the board leading one of the clinics. It was the name of the consultant who came in and saved Little N when things were going horribly wrong during his emergency csection birth. I owe my life, and my son's, to this man, but seeing his name made me panic and I burst into tears. It was such a strange feeling.

In my next update, we will have had our dating scan!

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