Review & Giveaway: Myrtle & Maude for Mummas-To-Be

Hands up if you've ever managed to get through the first trimester of pregnancy without experiencing the dreaded "morning sickness"? Hmm, as I suspected - not many of you! Overall, I really enjoy pregnancy and everything that goes with it. But not the first trimester. Those first few months really suck for me, and it hasn't gotten any easier with each pregnancy. It's such a trying time, especially as like a lot of mums I keep my pregnancies secret until I've had my scan, so spend weeks suffering alone. And there aren't many things on the market for helping with pregnancy sickness, especially natural products. That's where fabulous new pregnancy brand Myrtle & Maude come in!

Jules & Matty, the founders of Myrtle & Maude, have created a range of products for expectant mothers to naturally ease the symptoms of morning sickness. These are the Baby Bump Settling Tea, Peppermint Oil Bon-Bons and Accupressure Wristbands, which can be bought together as their Mumma-To-Be Pregnancy Tummy Settling Pack for £12.99. Jules kindly sent me a pack to review and help me through these past few weeks, and I have another pack to giveaway to one lucky reader, too. Read on to find out more and details on how to win! 

Myrtle & Maude Baby Bump Settling Tea has been especially formulated by herbalists to create a balancing tea to soothe those digestive woes during pregnancy. It is caffeine-free and contains ginger which is renowned for its tummy soothing properties. These pretty tea bags also contain uplifting rose, orange and peppermint, which is another tummy soother, as well as lemon balm and chamomile. There are ten of these pretty little tea bags in each box. I've found it best to start the day with a cup of this tea first thing in the morning, to ward off any waves of nausea before it really takes hold.

Acupressure is something I knew nothing about before pregnancy, but I am total convert to the idea after trying out wristbands for morning sickness. Myrtle & Maude's wristbands use the principles of acupressure, by applying gentle pressure to the Nei-Kuan points on your wrists. The cotton bands have a small metal bump which applies the pressure, but it is so gentle you won't really feel it. Don't ask me how this works, it's magic or something, but these wristbands have been such a help!

Ideally you should put them on first thing, but I am so forgetful that most days it slips my mind until I feel nauseous! Even then though, it still provides relief and those feelings of sickness do ease off and sometimes completely pass. The only downside is that if you're trying to keep your pregnancy a secret, wristbands may give you away - but luckily for me it's autumn so I had been fully embracing long sleeves which hid the bands anyway! 

The final product in the Myrtle & Maude Mumma-To-Be Pregnancy Tummy Settling Pack are the Peppermint Oil Bon-Bons. This sweet little tin contains about a dozen of the delicious, soft bon-bons which are made simply from sugar, glucose syrup and peppermint oil. Like ginger, peppermint is known for its stomach settling properties and can help ease nausea and sickness. The tin is great for keeping in my bag and when a wave of nausea strikes, I can just suck on one of these sweets and it helps to ease the horrible sensation. 

Using the three products together is a great way to help get through the often difficult first few weeks and months of pregnancy, by drinking the tea in the morning, wearing the wristbands all day and popping a bon-bon when nausea hits should help make this period of pregnancy that little bit easier! If you're pregnant and suffering with morning sickness, or know someone who is, then you need to get your hands on one of these packs!

As a new company, Myrtle & Maude are currently crowdfunding which you can find out more about here: For any readers interested in investing, for every £15 you invest they will send you a goody bag worth £30, how great is that! If you do take up this investment offer, send them an email so they can send out your goody bag. And you can keep up news, developments and offers from Myrtle & Maude on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


If you'd like to get your hands on a Myrtle & Maude Mumma-To-Be Tummy Settling Pack simply complete one or more of the entry options on the giveaway widget below! Good luck! UK only, ends 30/10/16, see T&CS here.

What are your best tips for coping with morning sickness?

With thanks to Myrtle & Maude for providing the review samples and prize!
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