Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.
What a funny week this has been, full of some pretty rubbish lows, but some wonderful highs to balance it all out!
Here's what has made me happy this week

What a funny week this has been, full of some pretty rubbish lows, but some wonderful highs to balance it all out!
Here's what has made me happy this week
• The Baby to Toddler Show. I went on Saturday and had a lot of fun checking out new prams and cribs and clothes. I had a lovely chat with Cecile from The Frenchie Mummy who was there with little Baba and I also picked up Pip's first outfit.
• Kind people. I've been shown so much kindness this past week. From friends like Katy calming me down when I get in a tizz about things, to Harriet from Toby & Roo who took the time to give me such invaluable advice, to Chelle from Chelle McCann who has given me the most amazing chance to learn and develop my career.
• J counting. "Un, doo, un, doo, un, doo." Yes, it really is cute!
• Black Friday. Now, I don't usually get suckered into to sales like this, however I always time my mobile phone contracts to end around Black Friday as you get THE best deals. New rose gold iPhone 7 for £30 a month? Yes please! I can't wait for it to arrive. Ian is so jealous.
• Little N's first parents' evening. Ian went while I was home with the boys. He came home fit to burst with pride, as N's teacher has said how confident and forthright and clever he is. I am SO proud.
• A morning woodland walk. Little N had an inset day on Friday which I hadn't realised until the night before, so with no plans we went for a walk through the nearby woods. We were only out for about an hour before the boys were asking to go home, but it was lovely all the same.
• New clothes. I'm past that "is it a baby or is it a big lunch" stage of pregnancy now so I am enjoying wearing some beautiful new maternity clothes. I have a fabulous pair of maternity jeans from New Look, which I had to buy in a size smaller (yesss!) and I just adore my new breton jumper from Jojo Maman Bebe.
• Baking goodies. I missed an event a few weeks ago with Currys and Hotpoint, either I was sick or the boys were, I can't remember as we've had a run of everyone being poorly recently. The event organisers were kind enough to send me a goodie bag through the post which was lovely of them!
• Black Friday. Now, I don't usually get suckered into to sales like this, however I always time my mobile phone contracts to end around Black Friday as you get THE best deals. New rose gold iPhone 7 for £30 a month? Yes please! I can't wait for it to arrive. Ian is so jealous.
• Little N's first parents' evening. Ian went while I was home with the boys. He came home fit to burst with pride, as N's teacher has said how confident and forthright and clever he is. I am SO proud.
• A morning woodland walk. Little N had an inset day on Friday which I hadn't realised until the night before, so with no plans we went for a walk through the nearby woods. We were only out for about an hour before the boys were asking to go home, but it was lovely all the same.
• New clothes. I'm past that "is it a baby or is it a big lunch" stage of pregnancy now so I am enjoying wearing some beautiful new maternity clothes. I have a fabulous pair of maternity jeans from New Look, which I had to buy in a size smaller (yesss!) and I just adore my new breton jumper from Jojo Maman Bebe.
What are you up to this weekend? I am taking the boys to see Father Christmas at Willows Farm tomorrow. I can't wait, it's always amazing!
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