Pregnancy Diary: Second Trimester - 16 Weeks

21st October 2016

At 16 weeks pregnant my little Pip is the size of a pear, is about 4 inches long and weighs about 4oz. Things are starting to improve and it's beginning to feel a lot more "real" now! Here's what's been going on during my sixteenth week of pregnancy with baby number three.

pregnant woman wearing black and white stripy top and pink flower in hair

Baby Development

Pip is seems to be quite an active thing at the moment; some mums might start to feel those first little taps and prods around now, especially when it's a second or third baby, but I've been experiencing them for a few weeks already! It will be a few more weeks before they're really noticeable kicks though; right now it's just when I am still and quiet, like at bedtime. Pip is also developing his sense of smell, sight, sound and touch. How sweet!

Body Changes

Pip is doing lots of growing which shows in my appearance and I think I definitely have a pregnancy bump now, not a "is she or is it cake?" bump. Would you agree? Please say yes! Also, I'm sure I'm starting to get a really feint linea nigra, the dark line that appears on your belly during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms

The headaches and the nausea are easing off; I now tend to only feel sick if I let myself get hungry. I have to eat pretty much as soon as I wake up in the morning! I have read that the placenta picks up its hormone production this week which is meant to reduce symptoms. My lower back is a little achey and my hip is also really sore. I think I might need to get my pregnancy pillow out to help me get more comfortable at night time, as I wake up with quite a lot of pain in one side. Speaking of night time, I'm having really vivid and unusual dreams at the moment!

Antenatal Appointments

It's a lonely time for antenatal checks when it's you've had a baby before, so I haven't had any appointments recently. I will see the community midwife this week though so will let you know how that goes in my 17 week update, and my anomaly scan will be soon after!

Looking Ahead

This week I have been so busy I've not had much time to think about anything pregnancy or baby related; I've just been enjoying feeling a little better and have enjoyed being more active with the boys. I'm hoping to get back into exercise soon as it has been ages since I did anything! If you've got any recommendations or tips for exercise during pregnancy let me know. I'm hoping to get a good yoga DVD so I can do that when the boys are busy eating their lunch!

Read my 15 week pregnancy diary entry here!


  1. I love Tara Lee's pregnancy yoga DVDs so I would definitely recommend. Such an exciting time, are you hoping to find out the sex of bump? xx

  2. You look so lovely! I miss all the excitement of being pregnant, but not the sickness!!

  3. Oh my stars how cute are YOU!!!


  4. You make me feel broody every time I read your update! haha #SundayBest

  5. So glad you're starting to feel better, those first three months are so hard. Now you can feel move,mets the excitement really starts to begin. #SundayBest

  6. Bump is coming along nicely - I never really had nausea and things with my little one, but I imagine you're feeling more yourself with that easing off. My favourite exercise when pregnant was a yoga DVD - I forget the name of it now, but it was well reviewed on Amazon. #SundayBest

  7. You look as if you are starting to get the pregnancy glow. This time of pregnancy is lively; morning sickness is going and you aren't too big to enjoy life

  8. I'm glad you're feeling better and you look lovely. Definitely a bump and not cake! x #SundayBest

  9. Ahhh.. I loved being 16 weeks preg! It's the most enjoyable stage! Well it was for me anyway :-) enjoy these days! #SundayBest

  10. I'm so happy to hear your pregnancy is going so well and that the morning sickness portion is over. I was not so lucky - mine lasted all 9 months. Fun. BUT, so worth it!

  11. oh the size of a Pear that is so cute! You look amazing and hope you are keeping well, Yoga is always wonderful #sundaybest

  12. I was luck enough that I never had morning sickness with my two pregnancies. At least one good thing. #SundayBest


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