Happy Days: Giggles, Tea & Vlogging

Welcome to Happy Days!  Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy. 

What a tiring week it has been, especially today. I thought it would be fun to make a little video for our gender reveal, but a vlogger I am not and it has taken me hours to work out how to actually get it to YouTube! And then J wouldn't go to sleep, so I am writing this trying not to nod off at the laptop. 

Here's what has made me happy this week

• Gender reveal. It's not live just yet, but should be up before the end of the weekend, as long as J goes to sleep when he should so I can get on with it! So if you wanted to know what we're having, then watch this space! You can read my last pregnancy diary post here.

• Afternoon tea. I went with my Dad's fiancee and her daugher and my sister-in-law to the Luton Hoo for afternoon tea and it was lovely! We talked for hours and went home feeling full of delicious sandwiches, cakes and tea.

• Exciting opportunities! I've been approached by some wonderful pregnancy and baby brands recently. I am so excited about working with them and I can't wait to introduce to them to you here on the blog!

• Little N telling me he loves me 82. I think this is his new favourite number as everything is "82" at the moment.

• Making J laugh and hearing him giggle and say "oh mama!" It was really sweet.

• Seeing Little N's work on display at nursery. He makes me so, so proud, and we continue to get such lovely feedback from his school about how well he is doing.

• A maternity coat. I have given in and ordered one! Luckily I spotted a lovely one which was half price in New Look. It's not arrived yet but hopefully it will look okay on me.

What are you up to this weekend? My friends and I are having our annual Christmas party for the children which will be fun! 

Quite Frankly She Said

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