The magic of books for Christmas

Is there anything better than getting lost in a book? Getting completely wrapped up in the magic of a story? I have always had a love for books and it is something that I want my children to love as well. They love being read to, especially at bedtime, and we were sent these lovely three books from Penguin Random House and Britmums just in time for Christmas.

I opened my surprise package to find a lovely selection of gorgeous stories. We received The Tale of Kitty-In-Boots by Beatrix Potter, which is about a well-behaved young black cat who leads a double life defeating villains. It's illustrated by the wonderful Quentin Blake and is such a beautiful book. I'll be wrapping this one up for J to put in his Christmas Eve box.

We also received Alfie and His Very Best Friend by Shirley Hughes, one I've not read before. It's about two little boys who are the best of friends and go on lots of little adventures like visiting the library, having scooter races and making their own special club. I think Little N will love to receive this in his Christmas Eve box!

The final book we received is The Fairytale Hairdresser and the Princess and the Pea by Abie Longstaff and Lauren Beard. It sounds like a modern fairytale involving princesses, fairies, a prince and a witch. It would be perfect for baby girl, but she is not going to be here for another four months which is a bit late for Christmas! So this one will be added to the boys' ever-growing library to enjoy together. 

I love that the boys have such a huge collection of books already, a mixture of classics and more modern stories. I have filled it with many favourites from my own childhood including a beautiful Alice in Wonderland book with big, intricate, colourful pop-ups on each page.

What books did you love growing up? Have you passed them on to your children?

I was sent these books as part of the BritMums and Penguin Random House Children's Books Christmas Challenge.
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