Pregnancy Diary: Second Trimester - 18 Weeks

4th November 2016

At 18 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of a sweet potato! He is roughly 5.5 inches long and weighs nearly 7 ounces. I'm getting bigger by the day and I'm losing sight of my feet! Here's what's been going on during my eighteenth week of pregnancy with baby number three.

Baby Development

Development of Pip's nervous system has stepped up a gear so it's important that I make sure I'm getting lots of healthy fats. Obviously being vegan means I don't get my omegas from fish like you probably would, but my body can convert what it needs from foods like seeds which I make sure I get plenty of each day! Pip's facial features are also taking shape and he can yawn, swallow and hiccup. I am feeling lots of movement, some of it can be felt from the outside, but it's not regular just yet.

Body Changes

I know weigh 118.4lbs so quite a jump from the 111.8lbs I weighed when I was 12 weeks pregnant. You might remember I mentioned that I had lost a bit of weight in the early weeks due to feeling so sick and being off my food, so it's good that I am now gaining again. Hopefully the gain will be slow and steady though! Look at how my bump has now grown; I'm taking a close-up bump pic each week for a time-lapse project with Secret Saviours, the stretchmark prevention brand, to see if it stops me getting any stretchmarks.

Pregnancy Symptoms

I'm feeling pretty good with the pregnancy symptoms at the moment, a bit tired but that's more to do with my asthma having been bad recently plus the boys have had colds and have been keeping me awake at night! I definitely have my appetite back. I go from 0 to starving in about 6 seconds! I've started taking portions of toast and a flask of coffee with me on the school run! Bananas are a real saviour at the moment for when hunger strikes.

I've had a few cravings recently; I can't get enough satsumas and I have been desperate to eat green vegetables like spring greens and broccoli. I really went off those during the first trimester so perhaps my body is just trying to make up for what it has missed! I'm also really getting the urge to eat lots of dark chocolate, yum!

Antenatal Appointments

It's a quiet week for appointments as you don't get as many appointments when it's a subsequent baby. My next appointment will be my anomoly scan at 20 weeks. I have had my flu vaccination though!

Looking Ahead

With me being so tired recently I have been starting to think that I should break the boys' habit of getting into my bed every night. As much as I love their cuddles, I don't think I will cope with them disturbing me on top of night feeds when the baby comes! The problem is, I just love them snuggling up with me and will really miss them when they stop. It's so hard to know what to do for the best and finding the right balance is so tricky. I might just try bribing the boys with the promise of a treat if they can stay in their beds all night!

Read my 17 week pregnancy diary entry here!

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