Why hypnobirthing with Natal Hypnotherapy is right for me

Preparing for the birth of your baby is an exciting time, but it can sometimes feel a bit daunting. Even though I am expecting my third baby, like a lot of mums I still have worries. My second birth experience was a straightforward natural birth so you would think I'd take it all in my stride. But my first birth experience was a very scary, very traumatic category 1 emergency caesarean section. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with what happened, and if I'm completely honest, I don't think I will ever truly get over it. I've been advised to plan for a home birth for this baby, which I love the idea of, but I can't help thinking, "what if this birth goes like the first?" That's why I've decided to do Natal Hypnotherapy's Online Hypnobirthing Class.

When I was expecting my second baby, I used Natal Hypnotherapy's VBAC CDs to help me prepare for the birth. The CDs made such a difference, by helping me to relax and deal with a lot of the negativity and fears that I had been holding on to throughout the pregnancy. Then when the time for the birth came I instinctively seemed to draw on the techniques that the CD had taught me and I felt so much calmer and much more in control of the situation. In the end, I had a very quick labour and birth which had no complications and the only pain relief I needed was my breathing techniques, visualisations, and a few puffs of gas and air. It was the polar opposite of my first birth experience which was long, painful, required an epidural and ended with an emergency c-section. If the CDs made that much difference to my birth experience then imagine what difference it would make if I could do a full hypnobirthing course! 

With two young children to look after, attending a physical class is just impossible, so the online classes that Natal Hypnotherapy runs seems, to me, to be the next best thing. The online course, which retails at £97, is split into 16 bit sized modules with videos, presentations, quizzes, hypnosis downloads, handouts and worksheets. I am reviewing the course so I will be writing a second post to tell you more about it in depth at a later date. 

I'm really hoping that the course will help me push the negative thoughts to one side and encourage me to focus on having a positive birth, as well as teaching me the techniques I need to remain calm and in control during labour. Letting go of my fears is really important, as I don't want that to hold me back. I know that if I am scared and tense then that will slow things down. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, this birth will be as straightforward, drug-free and uncomplicated as the last. I will be writing a third post after the baby is here to let you know how the course affected my labour and birth experience.

You can find out more about Natal Hypnotherapy and all the products and packages they offer here.

What feelings or worries did you have about labour and birth? Did you use hypnobirthing? I'd love to know!

I'm working with Natal Hypnotherapy reviewing their Online Hypnobirthing Class.
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