Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.

Zipless romper from Lottie & Lysh
Where on earth has this week gone? Is it just me or has January been a bit of a "blink and you'll miss it" month! I'm looking forward to reading all of your posts. Remember, any happy post can be linked up - it doesn't have to be a gratitude list like Katy and I do.
Here's what has made me happy recently• A girly night out. On Saturday my friends and I went out for dinner to celebrate my friend's 30th birthday. The meal itself turned out to be a bit of a disaster, but we had a good giggle and it was nice for us all to let our hair down as we are all busy mums!
• Play dates. I often feel sorry for J as he doesn't really have any friends of his own, as he has always just tagged along to groups and activities that I have taken Little N to. This week one of the mums from school invited me and J to her house for a cuppa and for the children to play. She has a daughter a few months younger than J and he adores her. He was so happy!
• Epic salads. I have been terrible for just eating crisps, toast and chips recently so batched cooked a heap of bulgar wheat, beetroot, sweet potatoes, carrots, lentils and spring greens so I could eat it for lunch through the week. It was so yummy and I feel a lot better for getting some goodness down me.
• Ian coming home. He had been in LA for a week and the boys had really, really missed him while he was away, especially Little N. He came home on Monday and brought Star Wars t-shirts and American sweets for the kids. And Swedish Fish for me!
• Down time. I have been feeling really displacent and angry whenever I see the news this week, so I have been switching off a lot more and having down time. If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed I've been quieter this week. It's done me good though, I should switch off more often.
What are your weekend plans? I'm going to Champneys tomorrow! I won't be blogging it as I don't think there will be many photo opportunities due to their restrictions, but I'll tell you about it next week!
Share the linky love by commenting on other posts, and don't forget to comment on this post and Katy's, too!
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