Pregnancy Diary: Second Trimester - 22 Weeks

2nd December 2016

At 22 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of an ear of corn! She (yes, it's a girl!) is roughly 12 inches long and weighs almost a whole pound. Here's what's been going on during my 22nd week of pregnancy with baby number three.

Baby Development

Apparently the baby is doing a lot of sleeping at the moment, lulled by me moving around, and when she's not sleeping she's busy trying to touch whatever she can as she practices her movements. Her inner ear is developed to help with her sense of balance (not that she needs it in there!) and her little pancreas is creating hormones. The baby is also being covered in tiny fine hairs, much like I mentioned my tummy is last week!

Body Changes

I am beginning to lose my tummy button, thanks to my rapidly expanding belly! It's getting quite wide and stretched now, and I often joke that I could stash a Malteser in it (I wouldn't really, eww). There hasn't been much else in the way of body changes, though I am noticing that my belly is also looking a bit veinier than usual.

Pregnancy Symptoms

I haven't noticed any new symptoms this week, it is getting tricky to bend over now though as my tummy gets right in the way of everything. I haven't been feeling ill for a while now which is good! It's nice to have some relief from the headaches and nausea and everything else that comes with pregnancy.

Antenatal Appointments

This week I had an appointment to see the consultant midwife, who actually wasn't there as she was covering for the matron apparently. But I still met with a really lovely midwife who was covering for her, and we discussed all my options. As I've had one successful VBAC already, we're not planning for a home birth, so I will write a seperate post to talk about that in a bit more detail.

Looking Ahead

Obviously now all that is on my mind is what will happen at the home birth! I'm thinking about what I will need, what will happen with the boys, where in the house I'll actually give birth, all of those kind of things. I'd love to hear from you if you've had a home birth, particularly if it was after a c-section.

Speaking of births, if you'd like to share your birth story on my Beautiful Births feature then do get in touch!

Read my 21 week pregnancy diary entry here!

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