Pregnancy Diary: Second Trimester - 23 Weeks

9th December 2016

At 23 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of a bunch of grapes! She (yes, it's a girl!) is just over 12 inches long and weighs around 20 ounces. Here's what's been going on during my 23rd week of pregnancy with baby number three.

Baby Development

If we could look into my womb and see the baby, she'd probably look quite transparent and red, thanks to developing veins and arteries beneath her skin. Her face is fully formed, but not yet filled out as she's yet to start piling on the baby fat that will keep her warm, and her lungs are developing, too.

Body Changes

I've not noticed anything drastic this week other than an ever-expanding belly!

Pregnancy Symptoms

I've been feeling quite a lot of Braxton Hicks, which are like irregular practice contractions. They're painless and I just feel my belly tightening. It's a strange feeling and the baby kicks like mad after it stops. I've been feeling quite tired and wondering if my iron levels are low, but I'm not due a blood test until 28 weeks, so I might go to the doctor's to see if I can have an earlier blood test.

Antenatal Appointments

I don't have any appointments now until 28 weeks. It feels quite long between appointments, but the time is actually flying by. A little too quickly!

Looking Ahead

The further I get in this pregnancy the more aware I am of how soon after the baby is born our wedding is. It's booked in July, so I will have about three months to get ready. I have ordered the Tara Lee Pregnancy Yoga DVD but if you have any other recommendations for prenatal exercise I'd love to know your tips! 

Read my 22 week pregnancy diary entry here!

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