Pregnancy Diary: Second Trimester - 25 Weeks

23rd December 2016

At 25 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of a Chinese cabbage! She (yes, it's a girl!) is just about 14 inches long and weighs almost 2lbs. Here's what's been going on during my 25th week of pregnancy with baby number three.

Baby Development

Pip's lungs are continuing to develop with all the practice breathing that she has been doing. Her hair might be starting to thicken, but if she is anything like the boys, she won't have very much of it when she is born! Her nostrils are beginning to open and the air sacs in her lungs are continuing to develop. She's producing surfactant in her lungs, which means she is getting more likely to be able to survive a premature birth - but I obviously am hoping that won't happen. Interestingly, babies at this stage have a sense of balance and can tell which way round they are, and this means they start to get themselves into the position they need to be in for birth. Isn't that fascinating!

Body Changes

As well as the veiny tummy I mentioned in my last update, I have noticed that my linea nigra is quite prominent now and goes from my pubic bone right up to my boobs! And I have also noticed that my nipples are getting really dark. I am sure that my milk is changing to colostrum due to the way J has been feeding recently and have a feeling that our breastfeeding journey may end soon.

Pregnancy Symptoms

I have been feeling really tired and heavy, it's a similar feeling to when I was anaemic during my third trimester with J. I've been to the GP who fast tracked a full blood count to check my iron levels and thyroid, but it all came back as okay. Well, I say that. My iron levels were 11.4 and for a non-pregnant woman they should be over 12.5. 10.5 or below is the level for anaemia but because I am above that the GP couldn't prescribe iron supplements. Instead, I have bought some Spatone to see if that makes a difference.

Antenatal Appointments

Aside from my blood test, which wasn't really an antenatal appointment, I don't have any appointments now until 28 weeks. It feels quite long between appointments, but the time is actually flying by.

Looking Ahead

It sounds silly but I am getting really stressed at the thought of going through post partum hair loss again. I suffered with it with both boys, but because hair grows back so slowly, my hair still has lots of short wispy bits and I fear that if I have post partum hair loss again this time, I might not have any hair left! I get married three months after the baby is due, and it's around then that the hair loss kicks in... Not great timing! If you have any ideas on how to prevent it, or at least minimise it, I'd love to hear them!

Read my 24 week pregnancy diary entry here!

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