6th January 2017
At 27 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of a bunch of bananas! She (yes, it's a girl!) is about 15 inches long and weighs over 2lbs. Here's what's been going on during my 27th week of pregnancy with baby number three.
Baby Development
Pip's organs are now almost fully developed and her brain is now doing a lot of growth. She can open and close her eyes, control her lungs and regulate her own body temperature. It blows my mind how much goes on each week and how quickly babies develop in the womb. It doesn't seem all that long ago that she was just the size of a poppy seed!
Body Changes
My tummy feels really big and round now, and comments from other people don't help. Why do people always feel the need to comment on the size of our bumps? What happened to just saying "oh lovely!" or something like that, rather than telling us we look too small or look like we're carrying twins. Sigh!
Pregnancy Symptoms
I still have the uncomfortable feeling in the top of my bump, it feels like a constant friction burn or as if something is really digging in to me, though I can't feel a foot or anything poking out. The baby has a really regular pattern of movements now, mostly as soon as I lie down to go to sleep! I also feel the need to pee ALL THE TIME!
My next appointment will be a routine midwife appointment which is booked for when I will be 28+4.
Antenatal Appointments
My next appointment will be a routine midwife appointment which is booked for when I will be 28+4.
Looking Ahead
I've sorted out all of the boys' old clothes and kept anything that is unisex. I've given absolutely loads to charity; it turns out I have quite an obsession with coats and jackets for the boys! I have a gorgeous new baby changing bag from PacaPod which I will show in more detail on the blog soon. Things feel like they are slowly starting to come together!