5 Fun & Creative Ways to Document Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such an exciting and busy time! I always thought I'd have all the time in the world to relish and enjoy it, but the truth is the weeks and months can pass so quickly that often I forget a lot of what has gone on. Documenting your pregnancy week-by-week or even month-by-month is a great way to be able to look back and remember it. It's a special time, so here are five lovely, fun and creative ways to document your pregnancy.


Well, of course as a blogger I totally recommend starting a blog as a fantastic way to document your pregnancy, and beyond! It's so fun and easy, and you can share your thoughts, feelings, photos and even videos. If you don't want the world to see, you can always make your blog private so just you can see it or allow selected people to be able to view it. It's especially good if you have friends or family that live further away and might not get to share these precious times with you in person.


If you prefer the more traditional pen and paper then perhaps a journal is the perfect way to log your pregnancy. There are so many beautiful ones available now which allow you to make notes, add photos and write a little more about how you're feeling and what you've been up to. I have pregnancy journals from all of mine, they are wonderful to read back and it's amazing how much you forget. I adore this cute clouds one from Busy B which covers from 4 weeks until birth, and this Orla Kiely one covers milestones for the first five years.


If you're not much of a writer, you could start a scrapbook instead. It's a great place to keep all of your pregnancy photos and scan pictures, and you can add notes as and when you feel like it. You could also include tickets or other souvenirs from things that you have done during your pregnancy.

Letters to your baby

A really lovely way to document your pregnancy is by setting up an email address for your baby and writing emails to him or her. When he or she is old enough, you could then give them the email address and password and they can read through all the lovely emails you wrote.


I love bumpfies! Weekly bump photos are a really fun and easy way to regularly capture a little bit of your pregnancy. You'll be surprised at the difference when you compare each new photo to the last! And if you're feeling really creative you could put all the bump photos together and make a stop motion video. They are so fun! 

How will you document your pregnancy?

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