Review: Cosatto Port Baby Car Seat in Fjord

In my last post about the Cosatto Woop, I mentioned that we have the Cosatto Port baby car seat for Essie, which was also sent to us for review, making our Woop a complete from-birth travel system. Our Port car seat is in the Fjord pattern, the same as our pram so everything matches! Ian went back to work after a week of paternity leave meaning it was back to me to drive Noah to nursery school, so the car seat has been put to good use nearly every day for the past five weeks.

The Cosatto Port is a group 0+ rear-facing baby car seat. It's suitable from birth through to 13kgs, so should last until around 12-15 months old. It's compatible with in-car three point seat belts, or can be used with the ISOFIX base if your car has ISOFIX anchors. It is also compatible with many of the Cosatto travel systems, and I have been using it with our Woop.

The car seat is so snug and cosy looking, with an adjustable head cushion and chest pads that can be moved as Essie gets bigger, and a pad surrounding the buckle so that it doesn't press on her tummy. It has a five-point harness which keeps her safe and secure and is easily adjusted and released. In the Fjord pattern it has the same Scandi-style tree print with sage green and white, just like our Woop pram. The handle is painted metal and has a foam grip which makes it easier to carry, and there are two buttons at the base of the handle which allow the handle's position to be changed. The seat also has a lovely big hood, so that I can keep her shaded and protected from the elements.

The car seat can be used rear-facing in the front or back seats of the car, but as we have ISOFIX on all three of the back seats of our Peugeot 5008 I have installed the base there. That way I can get Essie ready and put her in her car seat indoors, then just carry her out in the seat to the car and click the seat into the base. To remove the seat, there is a release button on the back of the base then the seat lifts out. If you find it awkward to lift it out, I've learnt that it's easier if you lift the front out then the back.

I adore taking Essie out and about in our beautiful pram, but on days where we are mostly travelling in the car and then only need a pushchair for a very short trip - such as the school runs or stopping at the shops for a loaf of bread - then using the car seat instead of the Woop seat unit makes much more sense. Especially as Essie falls asleep in the car almost every journey we make, no matter how short! The Woop travel system came with two car seat adapters which the car seat slots into. Removing it is so easy, there are two release buttons either side and then it just lifts off!

As we've only had the Cosatto Port car seat for a short amount of time, I've not had the need to wash the covers yet. I'm sure by saying that I will jinx it and Essie will be sick on our next trip out! The seat has side air vents to help keep her cool and fresh and if I do need to wash the covers, they are pop-off easy clean covers, so hopefully it won't be too hard a task.

As with our Woop pram, our Port car seat receives a lot of compliments as it's so gorgeous and eye-catching, but more importantly it is really spacious and sturdy and I feel confident that Essie is safe and secure in it. The Cosatto Port is £164.95 and the ISOFIX base is £99.95, you can find them here.

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With thanks to Cosatto for sending us the Port car seat and base.

Family Fever
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