Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.

I can't believe we are already a week into the summer holidays! I have so much I want to do with the children this summer before Noah starts school in September. Ooh, by the way, if you usually like to grab our linky badge please head to Katy's post. Hopefully next week I will be sorted on that!
So here's what has made me happy recently
• A new baby. My friend, Stacey, has a five week old baby girl, as well as two older daughters who are close to my boys' ages, so we popped round to see her earlier this week. Her littlest girl is so small compared to Essie who seems so big and alert in comparison!
• Coffee. I headed to The White House play cafĂ© again this week. To be honest I am there most weeks! But this time I met my friend Jo, who has three boys, so the children got to play together and we got to chat.
• Reading challenge. Jo told me about our library's summer reading challenge so we all went there to sign the children up. It was so busy at the library that I very nearly had a panic attack! Lots of parents obviously had the same idea. The boys are so excited about completing the challenge.
• Super swimming. I've talked about Noah's swimming lessons before; he was never very confident so it has been slow but sure progress. He did so well at his swimming lesson this week: he can now swim with a pool noodle, holds his breath under water, can time his breaths as he's swimming and float on his back.
• My new Connecta. Oh my gosh I'm in love, and Essie loves it too! It's a Sling Studio Buzz Acacia one and so pretty! Really, I need one with petite straps but they are hard to find. My friend told me that if I cross the straps over my back it will help so I will try that!
• The boys making me laugh. Jude was on my bed hiding under the duvet, when he suddenly poked his head out and said "mum, I'm a snail!" And Noah has discovered the art of telling jokes. One of them is: what do you call a dinosaur that dropped his lunchbox? A droposaurus. Seriously, how cute are they!
• Receiving mail in my new name. This probably quite a daft thing to be happy about but it was so exciting when I received my first letter with Mrs on the address!
• My new tumble dryer. My Nanna got us one as a wedding gift and with five children here it is going to be such a game-changer! I am slightly obsessed with doing laundry and I just can't wait to use it! Yes, I'm sad I know!
• My new Connecta. Oh my gosh I'm in love, and Essie loves it too! It's a Sling Studio Buzz Acacia one and so pretty! Really, I need one with petite straps but they are hard to find. My friend told me that if I cross the straps over my back it will help so I will try that!
• The boys making me laugh. Jude was on my bed hiding under the duvet, when he suddenly poked his head out and said "mum, I'm a snail!" And Noah has discovered the art of telling jokes. One of them is: what do you call a dinosaur that dropped his lunchbox? A droposaurus. Seriously, how cute are they!
• Receiving mail in my new name. This probably quite a daft thing to be happy about but it was so exciting when I received my first letter with Mrs on the address!
• My new tumble dryer. My Nanna got us one as a wedding gift and with five children here it is going to be such a game-changer! I am slightly obsessed with doing laundry and I just can't wait to use it! Yes, I'm sad I know!
This weekend I am meeting Jo for lunch, just with Essie this time so hopefully we can chat more without toddlers constantly demanding things!
What are you up to this weekend?
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