Happy Days: Girly Time & Summer Puddles

Welcome to Happy Days!  Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.

I have just realised that I haven't posted on my blog at all this week! We've been enjoying the sunshine that we've finally been blessed with and before I knew it Friday had rolled around again.

So here's what has made me happy 

• New clothes. I still have some vouchers from my birthday so on Saturday I treated myself to a couple of new tops. One for summer and one for when autumn comes. I also got some new eyelash curlers as mine were so old! 

• Girly time. My stepdaughter and I spent some time pottering around town together, along with Essie. It was fun to take her around the shops and listening to her chatting away. I got her some clip-on earrings - she's desperate to have her ears pierced but Ian says no - she was over the moon with them.

• Summer reading challenge. We are halfway through the summer reading challenge having read three out of the six books. The boys get stickers for every two books they've read so they've collected their first set and were so proud! 

• Puddle jumping. On Friday we met up with Noah's best friends from school at the local farm. We got caught in a total monsoon of a downpour. I swear a month's worth of rain fell in that ten minutes! Then the sun came back out to warm us up, but the rain had left behind some epic puddles which the children delighted in jumping about in.

This weekend the boys are heading to my parents for sleepover and I am planning to catch up on writing some posts and then just chill out.

What are you up to this weekend?


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