Happy Days: Summer & Smoothies

Welcome to Happy Days!  Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.

I have had such a busy week and can't quite believe that the summer holidays are almost over. In a way I am looking forward to school starting again as it has been so full-on and I could do with a breather, but I am also kind of sad about it all coming to an end.

So here's what has made me happy 

• Old friends. I met up with an old school friend on Monday. We have children of similar age and used to see each other a lot, but then she moved further away and returned to work so it has been difficult to both be free at the same time. We made an effort this summer to get together and it was so good to catch up! It felt like there had been no time at all since we'd last met up, which I think is the sign of a good friendship, don't you?

• Grandparents. Noah and Jude spent the weekend with my parents while Ian was in the States for work, so Essie and I had a few quiet days together. She got to have long, uninterrupted naps while I got to read and relax!

• eBay. While the boys were away I took the chance to have a good clear out of their old clothes, listing them on Facebook selling groups and eBay as I went along. I took a big bag of clothes, shoes and toys to the charity shop as well.

• Summer reading challenge. We have completed it! The boys were really proud of the wristbands they received for completing the challenge and are looking forward to the award ceremony next month. I think they get a little certificate and a medal which will make their day.

• Smoothies. I had the most delicious smoothie from Chia, a vegan cafe in Hitchin, the other day. It was called the Stress Buster and had blueberries, banana, cinnamon, flaxseed, chia seeds and coconut milk. It was heavenly! I need to find some good smoothie recipes so I can make them at home - let me know if you have any recommendations!

This weekend we are going to my parents for a BBQ to celebrate my Dad's birthday so it should be a fun-filled one!

What are you up to this weekend?


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