Essie at 4 Months Old

I seem to be getting later and later at posting Essie's updates - this one is so late that her five month update is actually now ready to post as well! With our family holiday last month, our car accident and then the start of school I'm behind with a lot of things, but hopefully I will be all caught up soon. So without further ado here is Essie's four month update.

If you read my birth story you'll know that Essie was born at home and she weighed a chunky 9lb 4.5oz. Her weight gain slowed slightly over the months and she dropped from the 91st centile to the 75th, which is absolutely fine, and at four months old she weighs 14lb 10oz. She seems very long for her age and wearing size 3-6 months in clothes. I have loved putting her in cute little dresses and summer playsuits, but also love her in sleepsuits.

Babasac sleeping bag sent by Apples & Pips - use QFSS10 for 10% discount across the website until 31/10/17

Her third round of vaccinations went well; she wasn't too bothered at the time but was quite grizzly for the rest of the evening, and as this set of immunisations included the Meningitis B vaccine she needed to have infant paracetamol. She seemed back to her usual self by the next day. That's all of her immunisations done now, she won't have any more until she's a year old.

Essie has got much better at grabbing and holding things and seems quite strong. It can be difficult to get her to let go once she's got hold of something! She is enjoying playing with toys now, such as the toy bar of her playmat and small soft toys. She loves to interact with her siblings and adores being sung to; Hickory Dickory Dock is her absolute favourite nursery rhyme and singing it to her will bring out the biggest smiles on her little face!

"Sweet Shop" newborn reusable nappy sent by Baba & Boo

Last month I mentioned that I was going to offer feeds more often as  Essie had been breastfeeding less frequently and she had dropped down the centiles on the growth charts. Well, there wasn't really any need to offer more as she has increased her feeds herself! There is apparently a big developmental leap around this age causing increased feeding so I expect that is something to do with it. 

Napping in her SnuzPod sent by Snuz. Use SNUZFRANKLY10 for 10% discount.

It also seems to have had a knock on effect to Essie's sleeping as she has stopped sleeping through the night and has been waking several times a night for feeds. The boys never slept through as babies so when Essie did I was completely surprised. But then I got used to the sleep so it's been a shock to suddenly be woken more frequently! Again I think this might be to do with the leap, but then again it's totally normal for babies to wake and feed all round the clock so perhaps this is just how things are going to be from now on!

Naptimes have been a little trickier recently as Essie seems to need it to be a lot quieter and with her boisterous brothers around that can be a problem! She naps quite soundly in her SnuzPod (full review coming soon so watch this space!) while I distract the boys with a DVD and some snacks. Resorting to bribery isn't something I ever thought I would do as a parent, but sometimes you just have to pick your battles! 

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