It's safe to say that I'm a little obsessed with doing the laundry. I really enjoy it, like really enjoy it! Maybe it's just me, but there is something so satisfying about a pile of freshly washed soft clean clothes. We're already a fan of Ecover household products in our family, using their plant- and mineral-based washing up liquid, fabric softener and colour laundry detergent. I was sent a bottle of Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent to put to the test on our usual laundry loads and see how it compared.
We're a pretty big family, with seven of us in total, so it means we get through a lot of washing loads each week - at least one load a day, usually more! Out of our five children we have three at school and one at preschool plus a baby who uses cloth nappies, so as you can imagine I have a lot of laundry challenges to deal with. Grass stains, mud, pen, paint and baby poop are just some of the things I face with each load. The detergent we use needs to be tough on all sorts of stains but gentle on skin, and I want it to leave clothes looking spotless and smelling great.
Ecover's new Non-Bio Concentrated Laundry Detergent is suitable for using on all of our washing, from baby clothes and school uniforms, to towels and bedding. It's powerful against stains even on a cold wash, which is great as I like to wash most things on a 30 degree cycle. Washing at lower temperatures is better for the environment and I've found that it's kinder to fabrics. It's also gentle on skin, which is important with baby Essie's delicate skin and Noah's eczema.
I tried the Ecover Non-Bio detergent on all of our usual laundry loads, including colours, whites, towels and bedding. The fragrance is simply gorgeous; the naturally-inspired lavender and sandalwood stays on clothes even when using a separate fabric softener and it lingers long after clothes are folded and put away in drawers and wardrobes. For a non-bio it's surprisingly effective. I have always preferred bio laundry detergents as I find them to be more efficient at cleaning but this still packs a punch against most stains - just look at these whites! There were a few little marks that still lingered after the wash, but nothing worse than any other detergent I've tried and nothing a little bit of sunshine couldn't sort!
Ecover's new non-bio is Mumsnet rated with 89% of Mumsnet raters saying they'd recommend it to a friend, and I have to say I agree with them! I'll be using Ecover again and I'd totally recommend it to others. If you're looking for a laundry detergent that's great for the whole family - and the planet - then give it a try. I think you'll be impressed!
This post is an entry for BritMums #EcoverLaundry Challenge, sponsored by Ecover.