Days Out: PYO Pumpkins at The Pop Up Farm, Hertfordshire

If there's one thing you get done this half term, make sure it's a trip to the fantastic pick-your-own pumpkin patch at The Pop Up Farm in Hertfordshire. The boys and I donned our wellies and headed over yesterday. We had SUCH a wonderful day!  

Noah is wearing coat and wellies courtesy of Muddy Puddles.

The farm is just off junction 9 of the M1, not far from Harpenden, and is a new venture for local farmer Ian Piggott whose family have been farming here for generations. Parking and entry is - surprisingly - completely free, there are refreshments available to purchase at really reasonable prices (the boys had hot chocolates which were only £1.50 each) and pumpkin prices start at just £2.50.

Upon arrival we followed the fact-finding trail to the wheelbarrow station, but realising the boys wouldn't be able to push it once full of pumpkins we just used the basket of Essie's pushchair for our pumpkin haul. There are hay bales and pumpkin sofas dotted about which provide plenty of fun photo opportunities and places to rest. 

The Pop Up Farm has 12 varieties of pumpkins to pick: the boys chose a racer pumpkin each, which is the jack o lantern type of pumpkin we all know well. I picked a rocket pumpkin which is a more oval shaped type, and I also picked a crown prince pumpkin which is a flatter, grey pumpkin. Yep, I totally picked that one just because it's grey - I LOVE grey! It cost £13.50 in total for all four pumpkins, similar to what you'd pay at the supermarket but a heck of a lot more fun involved! I can't wait to make some curries and soups with our pumpkins.

The Pop Up Farm is open 10-4 daily until 29th October - but I'd go sooner rather than later if I were you! 

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