What's new from Graco for 2018?

It feels like only yesterday that I was meeting the team from Graco and the rest of the Generation Graco bloggers but soon my time on the panel is coming to an end! Over the past six months we've had so much fun trying out various Graco baby and child products, learning more about the brand's history and future plans - and getting to finally meet bloggers I have "known" online for years! 

The highlight of our time with Graco for the boys has to be our day at LegoLand Windsor. We had spent the morning getting to know the other bloggers and having a look at the different Graco products that we were going to be reviewing, before enjoying some lunch then spending the afternoon in the amusement park itself. That was back at the start of the summer and the boys still talk about it now, asking when we're going back! 

Over the last few months I've had the chance to try out various different Graco products and have written review posts to share my thoughts on them all...

First was the Graco Evo Avant pushchair and SnugRide i-Size car seat. I was SO excited about this pushchair because amongst the various Evo models and styles was a Breton Stripe design! As well as being utterly gorgeous, it's a really practical pushchair that suits newborn babies through to toddlers and when combined with the SnugRide i-Size car seat it is a complete travel system.

The SnugRide i-Size car seat is snug by name and snug by nature, keeping babies perfectly cocooned and safe from birth until up to 18 months old. It is the easiest car seat I've used with a pushchair, going straight onto the frame without any need for separate adaptors! 

With their focus on designing baby and children's products for the real world of parenting, Graco really nailed it with the Featherweight: their ultra lightweight stroller which is the lightest stroller in the UK - weighing less than Essie did when she was born! This stroller is suitable from birth to 15kg and was a godsend when we went on holiday in August, tackling steep hills and sandy beaches with ease and provided the perfect place for Essie to nap when we were out and about.

The final product I reviewed was the Graco Milestone All-in-One car seat. It's a convertible car seat suitable to use from birth right up to 36kg (around 12 years old) making it the only car seat parents will ever need! I love that this seat can be easily changed to be used with all three of my children who are currently in different car seat group stages. They all found it comfortable and looked very safe and secure, which is the most important thing for me. 

What have Graco got planned for 2018?


Graco's new Turn2Reach car seat is suitable from birth to 18kg and allows quick and easy access thanks to its 360° rotation. It can lie flat, rear-face and forward face, uses Isofix connectors for a secure installation and includes a visible indicator that turns green to show that the child is securely strapped in.

The Graco Stadium Duo double pushchair is getting an upgrade for 2018 and will feature Graco's innovative Click Connect technology so that it can be easily converted into a travel system. It also features a one hand standing fold, swivel locking front wheels, an extra-large basket providing room for essentials, and stadium seating for both children to have a view of the world. If you've got or are expecting two little ones then keep your eyes peeled for this!

The Graco Milestone car seat is being refreshed for 2018, with the introduction of the Milestone LX featuring Safety Surround Side Impact Protection with advanced head protection at every stage as well as some new fabrics. Another new product that I'm really excited to see is the Graco Views which is a brand new lightweight pushchair which features a full recline, lie-flat seat that can be converted into a cosy infant bassinet for newborns to nap on-the-go. 

Graco put safety at the core of all products but they've also got their finger on the pulse when it comes to fashion. For 2018 they are introducing two new special collections: Balancing Act is a cute animal print in shades of pale green, grey and yellow, while Watney is the ultimate in Scandi chic, with geometrical shapes in warm shades of grey. These new collections will be available on home and travel products and I can't wait to see what they look like! 

Head to Graco's website to find out more about their range of baby and children's products, all designed for the real world of parenting!

This post has been written as part of my sponsored partnership with Graco
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