To the mum friends in my phone - thank you...

Originally published 03/12/2020 Updated 05/03/2024

They say it takes a village to raise a child yet in these modern times how many of us actually have that kind of support? Motherhood can sometimes be a lonely place, but I found my village online. Thanks to you, the mum friends in my phone, I'm never alone. I've always got someone I can turn to.

We've never met but, after I told my husband the news, you were the first people to find out that I was pregnant. Thank you for supporting me through those early weeks, when nobody else knew the secret I was carrying. Sick with nausea, excitement and tiredness, while we waited anxiously for our first scans. Sharing ideas for how to tell our “real” friends and family. Comforting those whose scans revealed heart-breaking news.

Thank you for never making any topic a taboo. I lost count of how many times one of us has asked “is this normal?” or “does anyone else..?” and I've told you things that nobody else knows! We excitedly shared bump photos, comparing the size of our bellies with one another’s, as our babies grew from tiny poppy seeds to huge watermelons.

Thank you for being there as our due dates approached; as we buzzed with excitement, waiting to see whose baby would arrive first, to see if those Team Yellow bumps would turn out to be Team Pink or Team Blue. As birth plans turned to birth stories, you were there and you were the first to know. You were there to offer solace when things didn’t go to plan, and you were there rooting for me when they did.

Thank you for being there in the deepest, darkest hours. In the middle of the night, exhausted with an insomniac baby, you were there. You understand me in a way that no one else can; going through the same things at the same time; reassuring me that it’s okay, it will be okay, that I’ve got this and can do this.

No matter the time of day, no matter the question, you’re always there with unwavering support and advice, with words of encouragement and wisdom, or sometimes, when I just need someone to be there, you’re just there.

To the mum friends in my phone - especially my Chubby Cheeks ladies and my Bobs - thank you, for being my village.

Originally published 24/12/2017; updated 03/12/2020

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  1. Hope I count in that group and others. Can't wait to see you on new years. Merry Christmas to you all.x

  2. When I think about the big things that we have had happen to us over the last few years, it comes as a huge comfort to think of all the support we received. Our family support here is massive and I'll easily get very emotional when I think about all they did for us. If you have a good support network in place, you'll never be alone. :)

  3. I think it's great how this has changed over the last while. I with I'd had it with my oldest. It made a huge different since. It's good you have this lovelyxx

  4. I love this - so true of how many of us are these days with many things - my online unkowns help me through steparenting and IVF - its crazy but a crazy kind of good.

  5. The hardest thing I find is that my Mummy friend is in Australia. I wish we could get coffee and cake or tea and toast and hang out. I am finding it so hard to make actual in person friends at the moment. If something happens I always call my Mum and sometimes I need someone who's not my Mum and I don't always feel like i have that. Does that make sense?

  6. Beautiful lovely xx I can't even imagine having the mum friends in my phone in real life, imagine that?! Xx


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