Playtime: Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 “Hatch Friends Forever!”

Am I in my children's good books or what! I surprised them one day after school with a box full of the brand-new season three Hatchimals CollEGGtibles. These are adorable little toy creatures that come in small, speckled eggs. Like the larger Hatchimals Surprise Eggs, they need their owners help to hatch. We were sent a selection from the new season to review, which has resulted two VERY happy little boys!

This season's theme is "Hatch Friends Forever" and each new Hatchimals CollEGGtibles has a best friend, a squad or a twin. If you hatch best friends you can put them in special poses, like piggybacks or Hatch-fives, and even more exciting you might hatch twins and find two Hatchimals in one egg! The little yellow eggs are speckled with pastel colours, each colour signifiying where in Hatchtopia your Hatchimal lives. You won't know exactly which creature is inside though until the egg hatches. 

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles come in a variety of pack sizes, from single pack blind bags to a dozen egg carton. The blind bags are perfect pocket money treats while the bigger packs are ideal as birthday or Christmas gift ideas. There are over 100 new friends to collect so children can hatch a whole world. The boys couldn't wait to see which adorable creatures they would get!

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 - 1 pack blind bag, £2.99
Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 - 2 pack, £4.99
Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 – 4 pack, £9.99
Hatchimals CollEGGtibles 2 pack Cloud Egg Carton, £4.99
Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 One Dozen Egg Carton, £24.99

I'm not sure who was more excited when we started hatching: the children or me! Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are hatched by holding or rubbing the purple hearts on the eggs. Once the hearts turn pink, the eggs are ready to hatch and you then need to press on the shell just above the hearts to make them crack. Noah had no problem hatching but Jude needed a little help. These toys are aimed at ages 5+ so at 3.5 he is a little young.

The boys chose to start with the two pack which also comes with a pretty green forest nest. Noah managed to hatch twins with his first egg and was over the moon! They then moved onto the Cloud Egg Carton 2-pack, which has two eggs from the special Rhythm Rainbow squad. There are 12 creatures in this squad and the little egg carton makes a great nest as well as a good place to store them. 

Next they opened the 4 pack which also comes with a bonus Hatchimal. Noah kindly told Jude he could have the bonus one, since he had already found twins, only for Jude to also hatch twins! Suddenly Noah decided he needed to catch up, being the competitive child he is, so he hatched the egg inside the single blind bag to even things up again. 

Finally, it was time for the main event: the dozen egg carton! You get 12 Hatchimals in this pack: ten in eggs and two already hatched. The boys raced to hatch their eggs and were done in minutes. Amazingly, we hatched another set of twins and, not only that, Noah hatched a limited edition Shimmering Skunkle Hatchimal! The cute blue egg carton has nests in the bottom, perfect for storing and playing with their new friends.

All of the packs, apart from the single blind bags, include a checklist so that you can tick off each creature as you collect them and see how rare they are. It also shows which of the Hatchimals are best friends so that you can pair them up and put them in their special poses. But that’s not all! Hatchimals has also premiered its animated digital webisodes that welcome kids to Hatchtopia offering new magical places for them to discover, plus why not download the FREE Hatchimals app to explore Hatchtopia, play games and more.

Noah has already made a list of the ones he wants to get to complete his pairs and I have said that he can get a new blind bag whenever he goes up a reading level at school. He's feeling very motivated and both he and Jude can't wait to add more to their collection! 

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are available at all good retailers nationwide.

Do your children like collecting Hatchimals CollEGGtibles?

With thanks to Spinmaster for sending us some Hatchimals CollEGGtibles to review.
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