Mini Style: Lottie & Lysh Hares T-Dress

I said in my last Mini Style post that Essie has a lot of these Lottie & Lysh t-shirt dresses, and I wasn't kidding! I very nearly missed out on getting this one though, as it hadn't realised that this hares print even existed until it was mentioned on a thread in the members group. Just in the nick of time I placed an order using my brand rep discount, and customised it with two little blue faux pockets. I do love a pocket!

Long-time followers will know that I've been a brand rep for the fabulous Lottie & Lysh for almost four years. Lottie and her team have kept my little gang kitted out with the most awesome designs over the years and I have loved watching this brand go from strength to strength. 

Printed on soft, stretchy fabric, this design features hares in a black, white and petrol blue pattern. I love anything bunny related and while I know a hare is not the same as a rabbit, it's close enough! Lottie & Lysh t-dresses are short sleeve t-shirt dresses with cuffed sleeves and an A-line shape. They are perfect for Essie's age as they are comfortable and durable, exactly what you need from a toddler's wardrobe! 

Essie has quite a few t-dresses now as I started getting them for her when she began walking. I've had dresses made with longer sleeves and contrasting colours, too. Have a nosey at my Instagram to see her other dresses! 

Available to order in sizes 0-3 months through to 6 years from Lottie & Lysh with prices starting at £21.00.

© Quite Frankly She Said. Design by Fearne.