Our family has recently grown again, and I'd like to introduce you to Bella. Bella is a two and a half year old tabby cat, who had been taken into a local RSPCA centre for rehoming. She was taken in with her daughter, plus another litter of kittens. All of her kittens were rehomed quickly, but Bella was still waiting for her new forever home.
My husband and I had both grown up with cats, between us we worked out that we had had 18 cats over the years in total! Until last summer, we had been living in a rented house so pets could never have been an option for our family. But now that we own our own home, we can do what we want!
Last autumn we rehomed some ex-commercial hens, who live happily in our back garden. But I still felt that our busy family home was missing something. I follow some animal sanctuaries pages on Facebook and have seen many cats needing homes, but having five children was a problem as all of the cats needed a home with adults only. Then one day I came across Bella's page and her story tugged on my heartstrings.
Essie and I drove to the RSPCA centre one afternoon to meet Bella, and instantly I fell in love with her sweet nature. The next day I told my husband about her and though he was against the idea at first, I knew he would be as smitten as I was if he met her. He agreed to visit and we all went that weekend.
I was right of course, he fell in love with her on the spot, as did the other children! We agreed to rehome her and so I filled out the paperwork to reserve her. We had to wait for just shy of a fortnight before she could come home, as we had to have a home visit plus Bella needed to be neutered. We finally collected her last Thursday and she has settled right in. It feels as if we have always had her!
Welcome home, Bella.