Mini Review: Lullaby by Leila Slimani

Recently I learned that reading a good book for just 6 minutes a day can reduce stress by 68%, and I know that when I make the time to read I definitely feel more relaxed. So this year I am making sure I read a little every day. And I'm also challenging myself to read at least 50 books this year. 

This is book 1/50: Lullaby by Leila Slimani. Here's the blurb:

"The baby is dead. It took only a few seconds.When Myriam, a French-Moroccan lawyer, decides to return to work after having children, she and her husband look for the perfect caretaker for their two young children. They never dreamed they would find Louise: a quiet, polite and devoted woman who sings to their children, cleans the family's chic apartment in Paris's upscale tenth arrondissement, stays late without complaint and is able to host enviable birthday parties.The couple and nanny become more dependent on each other. But as jealousy, resentment and suspicions increase, Myriam and Paul's idyllic tableau is shattered..."

I know they say never judge a book by its cover, but it was the cover that grabbed me. I love thrillers, crime, dramas, and anything linked to parenthood always draws me in. Even before you start reading this book, you know this story has a bad, bad ending. It is a whydunnit rather than a whodunnit. We know what has happened, but we don't know why. And reading it whilst knowing what's to come, knowing that these parents are completely oblivious about what is going on in their family, is so intense, so gripping, so thrilling, that I couldn't put it down. I raced through this book, needing to know more. I needed to know if maybe, just maybe, it would end well... 5/5 from me!

What are you reading? If you post about any good books please tag me on Instagram so I can add them to my reading list! I'm sharing mine over there using #50BooksWithSian.

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