Review: Baby: A Soppy Story by Philippa Rice

This gorgeous little book landed on my doormat recently after a review copy was kindly sent to me by Vintage Publishing. Philippa Rice is an artist whose mediums include illustrations and comics. You might already be familiar with her webcomics that are popular on social media as they're so relatable. And that is what I love about her new book, Baby: A Soppy Story.

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Here's the blurb: 

"Baby: A Soppy Story is a collection of comics by New York Times bestselling graphic novelist Philippa Rice, based on real-life moments with her baby. 

It is a collection about the small, intimate, heart-warming experiences of a couple expecting their first baby. From planning and pregnancy to childbirth and raising a newborn, Baby focuses on the everyday moments of parenthood.

Easily read between naps, it is the perfect gift for new or expectant parents."

This darling little book is filled with beautiful comics based on Philippa's own journey of becoming a parent. It shows everyday snippets of how a relationship grows, from sharing PIN numbers, to finding your first home and moving in together. From thinking that you might be pregnant to the snowball of first trimester symptoms and everything that pregnancy brings. And finally the experience of childbirth and breastfeeding and raising a newborn baby, including some lows as well as the highs.

I loved flipping through the whole book, each page making me smile with the familiarity of it all, reminding me of how exciting it was becoming a mother for the first time. And reminding me of so many small but precious moments I had forgotten about, like watching my pregnant bump move in the bath and wondering what my baby was thinking about. It is a beautiful book and one that I will be buying as a gift for all of my expectant friends and relatives! 

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